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Gustin's Home Page
Weaving, journalism and music
have shaped my life.
I love the permanence of weaving,
knowing that I can create a thing of beauty
that may well outlast me.
I love the immediacy of journalism, the adrenaline rush
to find the truth and to find it NOW!
And music ... I love to sing. Music is life.
first weaving activity was potholders when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I must
have made dozens because I remember going around my neighborhood in Lansing,
Michigan and selling
them for a quarter. When I was about 10, my parents gave me a toy loom and it
kept me interested for about four or five small mats. In high school, I was
always knitting sweaters in class.
In the late 1960s, when I was a college student, I signed up for a weaving class
to fulfill my art requirement. The first day of class, I walked into a large
classroom filled with 25 or 30 floor looms, and a wall of cupboards filled with
brightly colored yarn. That was the day that I embraced weaving. I had a superb
teacher, Katherine Ux, and I spent as many hours in the weaving room as I could
afford. I was a weaver!
I graduated from Central Michigan University in 1969 with a bachelor's degree in Journalism
and a minor in music.
Since that time I have held several jobs
that allowed me to use my education.
I worked as an editorial assistant for a book publisher
in New York City.
I was chief photographer for a Colorado Springs daily.
I worked on the copy desk at a small daily in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
And for 10 years I worked for the Evansville Press newspaper in Indiana,
"retiring" as Lifestyles Editor when the newspaper closed on Dec. 31, 1998.
Almost 40 years ago, I married a newspaperman.
It takes one to know one.

Shadow as a kitten
I have always
had a fondness for felines.
I appreciate their independence, intelligence, and individuality.
Shadow met an early demise in June when she was apparently hit by a car on our
normally quiet road.
Shadow used to love to roll in spinning wool if I let her. Mostly she just made a
Ahbi keeps me company while I'm weaving or
spinning. Pikey, our outdoor cat, can usually be found at the studio or
pole barn, sleeping
on boxes of yarn.
Smitty, the sweet Siamese, loves to sit on whatever lap is still enough and
strong enough to hold him.
I support the Humane Society, and recommend that you spay or neuter your
updated: January, 2010
E-mail: chris@homesteadweaver.com