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Double Weave Tote Bags
from Juanita (kessenich5@aol.com)
The totes are double woven on a jack loom in these instructions. If you
have a counter balance, a reversal of treadling would be done. I am calling
harnesses 1 and 3 the top layer and 2 and 4 the bottom. The bottom is woven
together. The middle is a tube of two connected layers and the flap is a
single layer from harnesses 1 and 3 being woven together.
12 dent reed. Dented twelve inches wide. 2 threads to a dent. For a floor
loom put on at least 3 yards for two bags and a loom waste. I used carpet
warp and non stretchy yarns. A few textured ones added are especially nice.
Tie up, single for harnesses 1,2,3,4. Threading, standard twill.
To seal the bottom. Weave five to seven shots using 1,3 vs 2,4 for a thick
plain weave.
To tube. Start on the right side.
Treadle 1 throw from right to left.
Treadle 123, throw shuttle from left to right going on bottom of tube. Do
not pull in but use a small bubble.
Treadle 3 from right Treadle 134 and throw shuttle from left to right going
Weave a little over 12 inches.
Occasionally treadle 123, 134 to put a few rags in bottom to
hold tension and edge. Beater can only beat what it touches first so don't
exceed what you are doing on top layer.
Top flap, treadle 1 against 3 and weave plain weave.
At end weave about six inches of weft protector for bag flap fringe, then
add about six more inches of fat rags for warp spacer before you start
second tote.
You will have lots of fringes to tie. I did mine with two top layer warps
and two bottom layer warps in an overland knot right next to weft. Tie off
bottom fringe, then bag edge fringe and lastly flap fringe.
Invent your own twisted cord or woven handles or leather straps, etc. Lots
of possibilities.
Instructions from Juanita. Photos from Kareninthewoods. |