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Woven Memories

Tribute memorial wall hangings made with mementoes 

I began weaving memorial wall hangings several years ago at the request of a widow who wanted a rug made from her late husband's work pants. Since then, I have created wall hangings with ties from a retired university president, and numerous pieces with eclectic bits of clothing and memorabilia . Each piece is unique and created based on material supplied by the client. I can work with whatever items are provided, supplementing material as needed from my own supplies.
The weavings shown below are examples of my work, but not for sale. Approximate sizes and prices are included for your reference. Clicking on any picture enlarges it.
Woven wall hanging made from sweaters,
neckties, cufflinks and tie tacks, 
sweater pocket and walking stick. Pocket contains old photographs, business cards, marbles and other memorabilia
30" X 40"
Woven wall hanging with neckties, 
cufflinks, tie tack and old pictures and business cards in pocket.
18" x 18"
Woven wall hanging with neckties, 
tie tacks, and
sweater pocket with mementoes
26" x 30"

Woven  wall hanging with neckties,
sweater pocket,
 tie tack and memorabilia
18" x 18"
Purse made from old neckties
12" x 14"
Woven wall hanging with old neckties
18" x 28"
Woven wall hanging with neckties, tie tack
sweater pocket and memorabilia
18" x 30"
Approx. $150 - $175
Woven tote bag, sweater pocket, necktie
18" x 20"
Back side of tote bag
Woven Memory wall hangings can be made from:
neckties, sweaters, pieces of clothing,
costume jewelry and other mementoes.
Each weaving is unique and created especially for you.
Please allow 6 months for completion.
If possible, please include a picture of the person being honored.
You may contact me with questions.